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Artificial intelligence dominates 20% of future jobs

23.01.2023 08:28 AM
Artificial intelligence dominates 20% of future jobs
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Artificial intelligence dominates 20% of future jobs
The launch of ChatGPT - an artificial intelligence chatbot - late last year heralded a new era in artificial intelligence and sparked widespread concerns about its impact on the job market.

His abilities to write poems, scripts, conduct job interviews and simulate entire chat rooms have led some to fear he could quickly land jobs in customer service, copywriting and even the legal profession.

Microsoft, in turn, invested $10 billion in ChatGPT and said the technology would change how people interact with computers.

In a report for DailyMail, AI expert and head of social engineering at Ultima, Richard Dever, said: "I think ChatGPT could replace 20% of the workforce with its current state within 5 years."

He added, "Robots are not necessarily coming to replace humans in their jobs, but a person who has a robot with these capabilities will represent a milestone." “This is not just a new fad like Bitcoin or NFTs or smart contact lenses.”

Replacing humans will not be an automatic process, says Dever - the first wave will hit less experienced people who use AI tools to help with their daily tasks.

Already several companies are offering AI solutions to automate "human" jobs - such as Jounce AI, which does "unlimited free AI scripting".

For its part, DoNotPay has adopted ChatGPT to defend people in court against speeding fines.

And in the UK, ChatGPT managed to secure a place on the job interview shortlist, a stage where only 20% of people get to, by completing a written assignment.

Dever said he knows several people who already use the technology in their jobs — and warns that we are at the beginning of the AI revolution.

"We're only in the early stages of ChatGPT," he added. "I dread to think what we might expect an AI specialist to do with the workforce."
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