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What is a virtual desktop and how does it work?

01.08.2023 05:24 AM
What is a virtual desktop and how does it work?
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The desktop virtual desktop for a computer is similar to the regular desktop that we use every day on computers, but with a fundamental difference, which is that it "goes with you everywhere, and from whatever device you use," as the technical site VMWare says.

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What is a virtual desktop and how does it work?

The desktop virtual desktop for a computer is similar to the regular desktop that we use every day on computers, but with a fundamental difference, which is that it "goes with you everywhere, and from whatever device you use," as the technical site VMWare says.

This application has several benefits, including transferring the user's preferences, operating system, and files, as well as applications and programs that he owns, to any computer he uses anywhere, without the need to transfer this computer with him.

The devices from which the virtual desktop opens act as a command input, display device, and transceiver, but the real computational capability depends on the speed of the server that contains the applications and programs.

 Understanding virtual desktops

In the case of a regular desktop, the computer stores programs, systems, and files in the storage unit, the hard drive, and allows access to them using the keyboard and computer mouse.

Processing takes place using the CPU and temporary memory in the device, and image data is processed using the display card.

However, in the case of the virtual desktop, the operations of the device used by the user, which is called the "End Point" device, are limited to entering commands and displaying data, while processing and computing operations occur in a second device, which is the main device to which the rest of the "end point devices" that are connected are connected. used by the user.

Users can access their virtual desktops remotely over a network, and any device, such as a laptop, smartphone, or tablet, can be used as an endpoint to access the virtual desktop.

Benefits of a virtual desktop system

With the exception of laptops, it is very impractical to move a mainframe computer from one place to another.

Even with the development of laptop computers, the majority of them are not efficient enough to perform complex operations such as editing videos, designing 3D shapes, or processing large amounts of data.

In the case of a virtual desktop, a "super" computer, which is usually large and difficult to move, can be attached to and controlled from any portable, light, and easy-to-move "endpoint" device.

There are several different types of virtual desktops and desktop virtualization technologies.

But the most important application of it is for institutions and companies that have computers of huge size and capabilities, to which ordinary computers are connected as endpoints that employees use to access the large computational capabilities of the main computer.

This application saves very high operating costs, and gives employees access to advanced capabilities from their regular computers.

Security is also high in virtual desktop applications, where data is stored in the main computer's data center, rather than on endpoint machines.

And if an endpoint device is stolen, it does not contain any important data, as the user needs to connect to the company or organization's network, and enter through a security code and a special password to be able to access the data.

Many companies also disable data exits on endpoint devices, such as flash drives, to preserve their data.

This model also gives great flexibility, as a user name and passcode are assigned to employees instead of allocating a private computer to each employee.

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