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Robots will soon replace these employees!

30.05.2023 08:51 AM
Robots will soon replace these employees!
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An expert in the field of artificial intelligence warned that millions of workers in the field of fast food will lose their jobs in a period ranging between 5 to 10 years, after they are replaced by robots.
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Robots will soon replace these employees!
An expert in the field of artificial intelligence warned that millions of workers in the field of fast food will lose their jobs in a period ranging between 5 to 10 years, after they are replaced by robots.

The development of artificial intelligence will allow computer kiosks and robots to replace humans who work in fast food jobs, according to Rob Carpenter, founder of the artificial intelligence company Valeant.

"This is definitely a watershed moment for AI," Carpenter told Fox News. "We'll see it jump from data processing, manufacturing and background operations, to consumer-oriented, front-end and human jobs."

The expert pointed out that the "Holly" artificial intelligence engine can sell better than humans.

And Holly, part of Valeant, "can outpace human employees as it has already taken over a million orders and now works with Hardee's and Carl's Jr," Carpenter said.

"Within 5 to 10 years, I think the majority of jobs within restaurants can be automated, and that will be from a variety of different technology providers," he added.
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