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Why do women prefer working for male bosses?

19.03.2023 03:22 AM
Why do women prefer working for male bosses?
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Why do women prefer working for male bosses?
Who do women prefer to work with, with a male manager or a female manager? There is no 100% firm answer, especially since these answers vary depending on individual experiences and preferences and many cultural and societal factors, but some studies have tried to define an answer and numbers in this aspect.

The data of the "Gallup" survey, which examined the opinions of a sample of men and women, showed a preference for male bosses, and the results of the survey were identical to a survey conducted by the "Fairygodboss" business website.

This survey included women exclusively, as 40% of them said that they support both sexes equally, but the next percentage of preference was for men as well.

In explanations published by the American Forbes website, he referred to the element of "competitiveness" or the behavior of the "queen bee", which prefers to be distinguished by the absence of competitors. The site also pointed out the possibility that some women who have reached the top in their field may have less empathy for others, due to their comparison of the conditions of struggle, and their view of the obstacles they faced.

The American Wall Street Journal published the results of research conducted at Stanford University that attempted to explain these proportions, and concluded that "women are punished by not choosing preferences for being very aggressive, even if their behavior is identical to that of men."

“Women are particularly punished for direct and overt forms of assertiveness, or they are punished for behaving in the same way as men,” said Lisa Williams, a researcher at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. “And they are not judged to be less competent than their peers.” But because they are not loved."

For its part, a 2009 study indicated that women's "non-preference for female managers" may not be related to skill, as women believe that female managers can work effectively, but - at the same time - they do not want to work with a female manager. .

The study found that this "negative bias" was present to a higher degree in female subordinates who had more jobs in their careers.

Another study conducted by the University of Wisconsin in 2016 in the United States concluded that there is a persistent negative relationship between having female managers and ensuring well-being at work.

The study hypothesized that the explanation is that female employees do not like female managers, as these subordinates may have a ceiling of expectations from their female manager, while it is difficult for these female managers to meet these aspirations, and thus the female employees feel less satisfied and well-being at work.

Female managers support numbers
However, in a recent study conducted by the resume site ResumeLab on 800 employees in the United States, about 4 out of 10 employees preferred to work for a female boss, followed by 26% who preferred to work under male management, while 35% did not. any preference.

When dividing these numbers to see the preferences of women and men, there was a stark difference in the numbers, as 48% of women preferred to work under the management of a manager, while 28% of men preferred to work under the leadership of a woman, and all these percentages are for people 90% of whom worked under the management of a woman. at one point in their career.

Asking the respondents - who chose to prefer working under a female boss - 44% said that female managers were more understanding when it came to mistakes at work, while 57% of the participants praised female managers in general for having higher communication skills.

Here are some of the phrases participants commended for working under a woman:

"I think female managers are more willing to listen and take everyone's point of view into account, while men are more realistic."
  "I think female managers are better communicators, but men are likely to be better able to hold people accountable."
On the other side; The statements of those who preferred male managers came as follows:

"I prefer male managers because they are less emotional."
"Women can be more empathetic, which may allow employees to take advantage of that to break them, which is a problem men rarely have."
"I've never had a female boss, but as a woman, I know we can be emotional and hold grudges, and I don't want to have to deal with all this drama at work."
How do men evaluate female managers?
In a study whose results were published in 2019, researchers found that men often show greater resistance in their interactions with the female director, and the study attributed this to "because these men see female managers as a threat to their masculinity."

One of the sections of the study - which was divided into 3 parts - focused on women in leadership roles receiving lower salaries than their counterparts, and another part focused on women's management style.

He concluded that when female managers adopt a collaborative management style of leadership, they are met with a violent reaction from male employees, and this behavior is less than if they were openly ambitious, according to the study issued by the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. ) And it was reported by the American “Health Line” website. While a study conducted in 2009 indicated another matter, which is that male subordinates accept the presence of a female boss more than female subordinates, according to the findings of the study.
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