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12 foods you can eat a lot of without gaining weight!

08.02.2023 07:48 AM
12 foods you can eat a lot of without gaining weight!
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12 foods you can eat a lot of without gaining weight!

Let’s start by a small example, just imagine this, a 200-calorie chicken breast may give you better satiety than a 500-calorie chocolate cake. This is the main reason why losing weight is never about eating until you’re full. It’s primarily on choosing which food will satisfy your hunger with the least calories.

Boiled Potatoes:

While ranked top 1 on the satiety index, Potatoes might have high carbs, but it is also composed of essential vitamins, fiber, and resistant starch and you will eat fewer calories once it’s added to your meals.


Whole Eggs:

Very nutritious, have high-quality protein and all the important amino acids. According to research, people who ate eggs for breakfast lost more weight and had a lower BMI than those who ate a bagel since it helps you suppress your hunger and eat less.


It comes third on our satiety scale. The reason for its filling ability is its high fiber content, making it able to absorb water.




Beans, peas, and lentils are examples of legumes that are high in fiber and protein. Compared to bread, legumes are much more filling by 31 percent. They are also low in cholesterol and fat.



Eating just one apple can make you feel full because of pectin. Pectin is a soluble fiber that naturally delays digestion. Moreover, apples are more than 85% water, which adds mass and satiation without more calories! People who ate solid apple segments consumed 91 fewer calories than those who ate apple sauce and 150 fewer calories than those who drank apple juice.


 Citrus Fruits:

Such as oranges and grapefruit, are also beneficial to weight reduction. They’re high in fiber and water, which may help you feel fuller for longer and eat less.  A research discovered that eating half a grapefruit three times a day at mealtimes for six weeks led to moderate weight reduction and a significant decrease in waist circumference.



Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and in high-quality protein may help overweight or obese people feel more satiated. A research found that individuals who ate fish consumed 11% fewer calories at their next meal than those who ate beef. One disadvantage is that you may have to remove all of the fish bones yourself.


Lean Meats:

Beef ranked second among all protein-rich foods on the satiety index. Furthermore, as compared to non-lean meats, lean meats are rich in protein and low in calories...

Cottage Cheese:

Low in calories but rich in protein, reason why it’s one of the healthiest foods you can consume whether you’re aiming to lose weight or build muscle.



Salads have been proven to help satisfy the appetite, particularly when consumed before a meal because they are high in water and fiber, which may help you feel satisfied for longer.


Air-popped popcorn is the healthiest option. A whole grain with higher fiber than many other snack foods. It’s also high in volume, so while being low in calories, it takes up a lot of space in your stomach.


Broth-Based Soups:

May be more satisfying than solid meals with the same components. Eating soup daily may reduce calorie intake, improve satiety, and aid long-term weight reduction. Moreover, people consume 20% fewer calories during the meal when the soup was presented first.


We could learn from these foods that if we want to reduce weight, we should start including them in our diet on the long term.

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