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Video: A robot breaks a child's finger at a chess competition in Moscow

13.08.2022 05:30 AM
Video: A robot breaks a child's finger at a chess competition in Moscow
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Video: A robot breaks a child's finger at a chess competition in Moscow

A 7-year-old boy's finger was broken by a robot at a chess match in Moscow he was competing against during a recent tournament in Moscow.

Sergey Lazarev, head of the Moscow Chess Federation, told TASS news agency that the robot had broken the child's finger. "Of course that's bad."

A video clip posted on social media showed the robot taking one of the boy's pieces, and when the child took his step, the robot grabbed his finger.

Four people rushed to help the boy, and were able to free him from the clutches of the robot's arm.

According to officials from the Moscow Chess Federation, the boy continued to participate in the event after getting his finger in a plaster cast.

"The kid moved, after that we need to give the robot time to respond, but the boy is faster, so the robot grabs him," Sergey Lazarev, head of the Moscow Chess Federation, told TASS.

Lazarev added that the robot had previously played several games without any accidents being recorded.

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