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Taste the TV: Japan invents lickable screen to imitate food flavours

30.12.2021 02:56 AM
Taste the TV: Japan invents lickable screen to imitate food flavours
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A Japanese university professor has created a prototype of a TV screen that can be licked with the tongue, and enjoy the flavor of the food displayed on the screen, in a new step to approach the viewing experience using the various senses.
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Taste the TV: Japan invents lickable screen to imitate food flavours
A Japanese university professor has created a prototype of a TV screen that can be licked with the tongue, and enjoy the flavor of the food displayed on the screen, in a new step to approach the viewing experience using the various senses.

The device, which is called "TTTV", which is an abbreviation for "Taste the TV", relies on a circular formation containing ten cans from which a spray comes out that mixes in formations to give a specific taste of food. The flavor sample is moved onto a healthy wafer over a flat-screen TV for the viewer to experience.

Meiji University professor Homi Miyashita said that in the era of COVID-19, such technology can enhance the way people connect and interact with the outside world.

"The goal is to enable people to experience something like eating in a restaurant on the other side of the world, even while staying at home," he added.

Miyashita works with a team of about 30 students who have produced a variety of devices that flavor food, even forks that make food taste richer. He said he built the prototype from the screen himself last year and that the commercial version will cost about 100,000 yen ($875).

Miyashita has also been in talks with companies about using his aerosol technology in applications such as a device that can flavor pizza or chocolate on a slice of toast.
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