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Real or virtual? Exposing the Mysteries Around AI-Generated Influencers

24.02.2024 05:00 AM
Real or virtual? Exposing the Mysteries Around AI-Generated Influencers
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Real or virtual? Exposing the Mysteries Around AI-Generated Influencers

Have you ever questioned whether your idols are being human or not? That question might not be as absurd as it seems, given the advent of AI-generated characters like Kenza Leyli.


Say you're admiring Kenza's perfect posts and captivating material as you go through your page and then you discover that she's an algorithmic invention rather than a real influencer. Everything we believed to be true about social media is called into question by this novel idea.

However, before you dismiss it as science fiction, consider this. AI-generated influencers are already making a splash in the digital realm, blurring the distinction between virtual and real. With their flawless aesthetics and strategic sponsorships, they are altering the influencer scene in ways we never imagined possible.


Therefore, consider this the next time you double-tap a post or follow your favorite influencer: might it be artificial intelligence (AI)? It's an interesting query that challenges us to consider how, in the era of social media, technology and authenticity interact.

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