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People who live with robot pet report lower stress

08.01.2024 02:55 AM
People who live with robot pet report lower stress
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People who live with robot pet report lower stress
A study found that robots could be man's best friend, as people who lived with a pet-like robot for two months were found to have lower levels of stress, similar to the benefits of owning a dog.

According to the British Daily Mail website, researchers in iScience magazine say: “The robot may have an effect similar to that of real pets.”

The researchers used a robot that looks like a small penguin, has two feet, and has the same body temperature as a human. When you press its stomach, it slowly closes its eyes and makes a sound while breathing. When you press its nose, its body shakes and laughs. It follows the owner with the camera and moves his hand to ask for a hug. It can also make eye contact.

Researchers from Jichi Medical University in Japan found that levels of oxytocin, the “cuddle hormone,” were 2.2 times higher in robot owners.

Levels of cortisol, a hormonal indicator of increased stress, were twice as high in people not using robots.

The study said that the use of social robots could be an alternative to animal-assisted therapy in treating depression and alcohol addiction.
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