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Golden rules for creating any UI design for ecommerce, informational or media websites

11.05.2021 04:06 AM
Golden rules for creating any UI design for ecommerce, informational or media websites
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Golden rules for creating any UI design for ecommerce, informational or media websites
The saying goes, "A user interface is like a joke; if you have to explain it, it is not that good." Several researchers and practitioners in the field of human-computer interaction have given their conceptualizations of user interface design guidelines based on UI designers. Their rules still apply today.

In 1993, Jacob Nielsen and Rolf Molisch laid down 10 user interface guidelines that revolve around 3 main pillars: usability, utility and desirability of design. In 2005, the Ben Schneiderman Eight Golden Rules appeared, and most of them reflected the logic of user interface design, according to Nielsen and Molisch.

Despite the huge amount of research that has been done in the field of user interface design, its essence still revolves around one element which is the quality of the user experience. UI designers' motto is to maintain loyalty to the human thought cycle, meaning that designing a user-centered experience is the reason for any UI design.

In this article, we gather the most important rules that are used today in user interface design and explain how this design works.

1- Striving for consistency or coherence:

Users do not have to wonder if the different words, postures, buttons or actions mean the same thing. Don't confuse the user, but keep the words and verbs consistent. And use the "principle of least surprise", or in other words, use all the elements across your application consistently.

The consistency of the following should be maintained:

  • Operational consistency

  • Functional consistency

  • Visual consistency

  • Terms consistency
2- Check website / interface status or provide useful feedback:
The website should always keep the user informed about what is going on, through appropriate reactions in a reasonable and timely manner, and the users should not be made to guess - tell the user what is happening.

As the user wants to be in control, he is confident that the website is behaving as expected. And it can even be said that users do not like surprises, as we mentioned earlier.

With regard to the repeated and short actions, the answer can be modest, while the answer should be more responsive to the importance of the situation in relation to the infrequent and large actions.


  • Related to the topic

  • Appropriateness of importance and urgency

  • Understandable and meaningful

  • Within the appropriate context (time and place)
3- Correspondence between the website and the real world or dialogue design:
Again, the less we need users to guess, the better, so the website should speak the users' language (using words, phrases, and concepts familiar to the user), rather than the website’s own terms.

The sequence of actions should be organized into a group, indicating beginning, middle and end. And upon completion of the process, remember to display a call to action button to let the user know that you have done everything required.

The design:

  • Grouping actions

  • Total completion of an action

  • Well-defined options for the next step
4- Place users in control of the interface:
“This feature reduces anxiety, because the user knows that mistakes can be undone,” Schneiderman explains. Then he is encouraged to explore new and unfamiliar options.

This applies in applications to the undo or redo function. As an absolutely clear emergency exit to leave unwanted designs without further dialogue.

Reversible actions:

  • Do not interfere in the workflow

  • More freedom for the user

  • Undo/Redo’ option
5- Help users recognize, diagnose and recover errors:
The error messages should be expressed in clear language (do not use website language to explain what it is doing). Rather, explain the problem and error precisely and suggest a solution constructively.

Clearly and honestly tell the user what is happening in the background when performing a step.

Of course, after reviewing these golden rules for UI design, if the designer adheres to them, he will achieve great development and unprecedented success in his field, as these steps have been tried many times and each time they achieve the desired results.

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