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Walking backwards may seem like an unconventional activity, but its benefits extend far beyond mere novelty. While the idea might initially conjure images of comedic mishaps or peculiar exercises, walking in reverse actually offers a range of surprising advantages for both physical health and mental well-being. In this article, we'll delve into the science-backed benefits of walking backwards and explore why incorporating this simple activity into your routine could be a step in the right direction for your overall health.
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The skeleton of the world's biggest Triceratops for sale... 10 potential buyers for $1.7M

24.09.2021 05:20 AM
The skeleton of the world's biggest Triceratops for sale... 10 potential buyers for $1.7M
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The skeleton of the world's biggest Triceratops for sale... 10 potential buyers for $1.7M
In late September, the fossilized remains of the largest three-horned Triceratops dinosaur ever discovered by paleontologists will be sold at an auction house in Paris. The dinosaur, known as "Big John", may fetch 1.5 million euros ($1.77 million).

Big John roamed the land, now known as South Dakota, more than 66 million years ago.

Paleontologists discovered its first part of its bones in 2014, eventually finding 60% of its skeleton, including its nearly complete skull.


Auction house Drew estimated that the skeleton of Big John would fetch between 1.2 and 1.5 million euros.

Once sold primarily to museums, dinosaur remains are increasingly attracting private buyers, although their numbers are still few.

"I think there are 10 buyers around the world for this kind of part," said Alexandre Gikello, who runs the sale.

The length of the skull of "Big John", named after the owner of the land where the bones of more than 200 dinosaurs were found, is 2.63 meters, representing about a third of his total body length, and its width is two meters.

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