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How to leave your job, but keep the door open to coming back!

04.03.2023 04:01 AM
How to leave your job, but keep the door open to coming back!
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Whether you left your job because of a better offer or a new experience, problems with your boss or mass layoffs, you may want to come back to your company if circumstances change or you can't adjust to your new job.
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How to leave your job, but keep the door open to coming back!
Whether you left your job because of a better offer or a new experience, problems with your boss or mass layoffs, you may want to come back to your company if circumstances change or you can't adjust to your new job.

And no matter how confident you are that you will never return there again, you do not know what the future holds, and all possibilities are always available, and you must be careful to leave the door open.

These are some of the ways you can pave your way back to your old company.

Reserve your opinion
"Managers are bossy, there are no rules, I hate working here and I can't wait to leave." These expressions of your negative views of your workplace very bluntly will reflect back on you before anyone else, and all of this can change after you leave, but your words will not change or be forgotten.

Therefore, it is better to leave without revealing everything that is on your mind, and on the contrary, try to highlight the positives and what you will miss when you leave, according to what career coach Marlo Lyons advises in his article in the Harvard Business Review.

stay connected
Maintain your relationship with those you worked with, and keep in touch with them, even in a small amount, such as sending a text message to congratulate the holidays or on special occasions. This helps to maintain the cordiality between you and them, and to be on your list of candidates if a suitable opportunity arises in the company.

Don't unfollow
Do not unfollow your old company on social media, and follow the latest developments, achievements and new job opportunities.

Being aware of the latest developments in the company contributes to enhancing your chance if you want to return, as you are in advance of employment because of your previous experience and familiarity with the company's plans and stages of progress, compared to another candidate without this background.

Develop your skills
During your new job, try to find ways to acquire new skills, both personally and professionally. You can use your old performance appraisal reports to identify and strengthen your strengths and weaknesses.

This contributes to facilitating your return to your old company, but also helps you to return to a higher position than you were previously in.

Slow down on the decision to return
Before making the decision to return, study the new situation with focus, and be aware of the reasons for your departure and the motives for your return, and whether the situation is still the same or has changed.

For example, if you left the job due to a dispute about the unspecified working hours, are there new laws to manage working hours or not, and if you were let go during a mass layoff, is the company more stable now or the situation is still turbulent, and how do you ensure more stability for your position when return.

Keep in mind that your old company will not be the same as you left it, everything is subject to change, the managers, the goals and the general atmosphere of the workplace, and try to understand how the company has evolved or changed since you have worked there.

Don't leave the company in trouble
Avoid submitting your resignation in the middle of working on a big project, or during a period of staff shortages due to vacations or other emergencies. It's a good idea to talk to your manager about when to leave without affecting the company or delaying you from your new job.

And be sure to follow your company's own policies for the way employees leave and the procedures required for that, such as leaving a specific period for the company to search for a replacement, or waiting until the company appoints a replacement person and hand over your position to him.

do not leave without prior warning; Thinking that you will not come back again and not interested in the problems your sudden leaving causes to your work.

Tell your manager first
Consider submitting your resignation to your line manager before informing the human resources department or even discussing your plans amicably with your colleagues. It is best to discuss this with your manager first, which expresses your respect for him.

Mind your business until the last day
Some people think that they can relax and not care about work in their last days and hang out in the company, which may lead to distraction from others and load them with negative feelings towards you, so try to avoid this to make a good impression.

And refrain from talking too much about your new workplace and your future plans, and try to focus on performing your duties properly until your last day, and as long as you are inside the company and receiving a salary, you are still expected to perform your duties, as Tina Nicolay, an executive director and career coach, explained to Forbes. (Forbes) America.

And remember, what you do in the last few weeks is probably the last thing they will remember about you.

State your problem positively
Pay close attention to your words when discussing the reasons for your resignation, and no matter what the Human Resources department may tell you, expect that what you say will be shared with your manager and may reach your colleagues.

Even if you do not intend to return again in any way, there is always the possibility that you will meet those you worked with in another company, so focus your comments on the positive aspects, and do not respond to your urgency that prompts you to vent your anger.

You can talk about some of the problems if you want, but do it constructively by raising the problem and discussing your opinion on solving it positively and effectively, and discuss the problem without speaking negatively about any individual.

Thank everybody
Thank each manager and colleague personally, and try to mention the positives and benefits that accrued to you from dealing with each person, and this helps to reduce any negative feelings towards you, and enhances your professionalism.

Try to communicate with anyone with whom you disagreed during your work period, fix your relationship with him on a personal level and discuss the experiences you gained during working with him, to make your last mark positive and your return in the future welcome.
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