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What happens to humanity if the Earth’s temperature rises by 2.5 degrees?

01.11.2022 05:16 AM
What happens to humanity if the Earth’s temperature rises by 2.5 degrees?
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What happens to humanity if the Earth’s temperature rises by 2.5 degrees?

Ecologist Vladimir Benaev, associate professor at the Institute of Ecology of the Russian University of Friendship, has revealed what awaits humanity if the Earth's temperature rises by 2.5 degrees Celsius by 2100.

In an interview with the newspaper "Izvestia", Benaev referred to the report of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which states that humanity will not be able to maintain a temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius until the end of the century.

Experts believe that the amount of temperature rise by 2100 will be about 2.5 degrees Celsius.

He added, "There are two points of view. The first indicates that humanity will not be able to influence climate changes in any way, because the globe is large and has an inertial system. Even if all production processes are currently stopped, temperatures will continue to rise."

He continued, "As for the second point of view, it calls for stopping industrial production processes, as an attempt to prevent warming. There are different models and calculations. We still have about 80 years to reach the year 2100. What will the situation be then, no one knows."

But according to him, humanity must take measures and actions to reduce risks, such as expanding forest areas and reducing emissions.

He said that an increase in temperatures of 2.5 degrees Celsius will lead to the melting of ice, which will cause the water level to rise and flood coastal areas.

He continued, "This will happen, if people do not move a finger. But if there are measures and measures such as building dams in the Netherlands, there will not be much danger. It is also necessary to have a monitoring system."

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