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How do search engines work? Boost your website SEO!

10.06.2021 07:17 AM
How do search engines work? Boost your website SEO!
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How do search engines work? Boost your website SEO!
According to the World Wide Web Size website, new websites are appearing on the Internet every moment. There are currently 50 billion web pages being indexed. Without SEO it would be impossible to find useful information in this maze, searching for information or a page would be like searching for a needle in a haystack!

The search engines are the ones who arrange for you this chaos of pages, they are the ones who are trying to develop their algorithms to show you the most suitable web pages for you and the word you are searching for, they set some criteria for evaluating the pages and ranking them according to an indicator and a degree and this degree is the one that depends on your ranking on the search results page.
As a result of the fact that there are millions of sites added daily, it is normal for your evaluation index to change more or less, and this is not the only change that affects the order of your site’s appearance on the search results page, but also the search engines themselves change and develop evaluation algorithms and criteria annually in order to revise search results from useless and harmful webpages.
To improve your website ranking on search results pages you need first to understand how the search engine thinks
This is where Crawlers / Spiders or robotic crawlers come in. These robotic crawlers scan your web pages for information. It archives the contents of the site from links, images, videos and other files.
The following scenario shows how Crawlers deal with your site:

  • Discovery: The search engine robot discovers your website, either via a link pointing to it from another previously archived site or by manually adding a direct link to your site through the search engine. (Google, Yahoo and Bing support manual adding of web pages)
  • Indexing: The content of the page is checked, processed and indexed in the search engine databases, but note that not all types of content are archived, for example, video and dynamic pages are not archived.
  • Results: When you enter a query (a search keyword), the search engine analyzes it and then shows you the web pages that are most relevant to your query.

Search engines are your first tool to bring more customers to your website or online store, it is no longer extra or complementary, the strategy of SEO optimization for your website does not bear any delay, whoever prepares his site early will appear first, your competitors are doing it now. To get an accurate quote, please Get in touch with our sales team to start a live chat.
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