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Want to get more Real Instagram Followers? Try these 100% free ways!

03.06.2021 10:00 AM
Want to get more Real Instagram Followers? Try these 100% free ways!
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Want to get more Real Instagram Followers? Try these 100% free ways!
If you want to know the right way to get more free followers on Instagram, then you are about to get your answer through this amazing article.

Sure, there are multiple evasive methods you can take such as buying followers or using bots and malware; but what's the point? Your goal is to get a number of real followers who are already interested in you or your brand and interact with it with genuine interest and love. This is the best way to build a sound strategy that will help you increase your Instagram followers in an amazing and impressive manner and thus achieve real results for your account.

You should know that what you will learn in this article is suitable for you. If you want to increase the followers of your personal account, your brand account, or any account that you manage, let’s start:

1- Create a clear strategy to gain followers on Instagram

Using any social media platform without a prior plan leads to wasted resources and low return on investment.

Your Instagram marketing plan should clearly state:

Your goals on the network: If your account is personal, the goal may be to expand your reach or increase the rate of interaction with you, and your goal of using Instagram as a brand may be to increase your brand awareness, increase product sales, increase traffic to your website, etc. Always make sure that your Instagram goals align with your bigger marketing goals.

Who is your target audience: How old are they? Where do they live? What do they do? When and how do they use Instagram? What are their weaknesses and challenges?

What story do you want to tell: Maybe you want to satisfy the curiosity of your followers by showing some details about your personal life or if you are a brand you want to teach them how to make your product; Also as a brand you can use Instagram to share the perspective of your employees and the way they work to humanize your brand. Another effective tactic is to present your brand in an ambitious way by sharing the goals of the brand as well as the achievements of your customers.

The aesthetic of your brand design: If you are an individual, what you think of making your name, a brand worth following, and if you are a brand, what you think about maintaining a distinctive personality for your brand on Instagram, make it consistent in appearance and with a story. Your posts should be easy to distinguish and recognizable at a single glance.


2- Share interesting content

Great and valuable content is what makes people talk about you, leave comments, and even share your posts. This is the perfect way for you to reach more new followers.

The secret behind valuable content is knowing your target audience and what they want to see on Instagram. Where everything you post should be interesting to these people. Your goal is to inform, engage, and entertain them with the content you publish. Your photos should be compelling and attractive to get them to comment.

3- Promote your Instagram account through other social media platforms

If you want to get more Instagram followers, you have to make it easy for people to find you by promoting your account. You should make sure to make your account known through other social networking sites in order to make it easier for people to discover the account.

If you have already created a base of followers on a social media platform, all you have to do is let them know that you have created an Instagram account. Share a link to your Instagram profile and motivate your existing followers to click on it and follow you. You can also highlight some of your best Instagram posts on your other accounts. In addition, you can promote these posts with paid ads to ensure that more of your followers will follow you on Instagram.

4- Use the right hashtags

This will make your posts discoverable to people searching for content similar to your brand or industry. Before using hashtags to get more followers, make sure you know what to do and what not to do when using hashtags on Instagram.

5- Strive to be on the Instagram explore page

The Instagram Explore tab is what you see when you tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the Instagram app. According to Instagram itself, the Explore tab is where you "can find photos and videos you might like from accounts you haven't followed yet." You may also see curated topics that the algorithm thinks the community will enjoy. The Explore tab also features Instagram Stories right at the top of the screen.

Over 100 million people visit Explore tab every day. Therefore, it is a golden opportunity for brands looking to increase their audience. In order for your publications to become on this page, you must do a lot of efforts and research to find out what interests your audience the most.

6- Follow important Instagram users in your field

When you follow a user on Instagram, there is a high chance that they will visit your account and look at it. If your account is full of compelling content and relevant to the niche they are interested in, they are more likely to follow you as well.

7- Post at the right time

As for the most appropriate time to publish, it varies from person to person and from one brand to another because it depends on the type of audience. To know when that is, think about your audience. What does their usual day look like? When are they most active on Instagram? One of the best features on Instagram for open and professional accounts is to know the hours your audience is active on the platform. This feature makes it easy for you to choose the appropriate timing in order to reach the largest number of followers. But don't forget that you can also try out when the best hour to post is and which brings you the most number of likes.

8- Tag users on Instagram in your posts

You can tag other Instagram users in your photos using the @-mention in the text posted with the photo or using the Instagram Tag function. In either case, those people will receive a notification when they do so. And often your mention to someone will encourage him to interact with the post and share it with his followers as well.

9- Share your location

If your business has a physical location on the ground, be sure to share your photos of your physical location and also encourage your customers to do the same. Users can then click on that site and see all the photos posted from your store, restaurant or office. This can help expose your brand and your Instagram account to more people.

Even if your business does not have a physical location, you may want to tag your location during the photo/video capture. For example, you can share your location if you are attending a well-known event such as an art exhibition or conference to share with your followers your travels and attendance.

10- Create giveaways from time to time

Creating giveaways on Instagram helps greatly in increasing your audience as well as increasing your website traffic and even selling your products. To participate in the contest, ask your followers to like or comment on one of your photos, use a certain hashtag or repost one of your photos. This is a great strategy for individuals and businesses of all sizes, not just accounts with a large following. Encouraging your followers to share your content as part of a contest can also help you reach more people. People will see your Instagram account via posts their friends have created, and this is an effective way to build trust with new followers.

There is no shame in selling or using Instagram to make money, on the contrary you must, but the content dedicated to this should not exceed 20% of the total content you publish, do not forget that the content is the most important thing.

You now have in your hands a lot of information and strategies that enable you to increase Instagram followers with ease, provided that you make the required effort.

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