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A “smart” plan from Apple… to combat the theft of iPhone phones!

08.04.2022 02:32 AM
A “smart” plan from Apple… to combat the theft of iPhone phones!
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A “smart” plan from Apple… to combat the theft of iPhone phones!
Reports revealed a "smart plan" from Apple, to combat the theft of iPhone phones, by following an old strategy to prevent thefts.

According to the "MacRoomers" website, which specializes in Apple news, the company plans to notify Apple stores of the stolen phones, which in turn will refuse to buy or repair those phones, which puts the thieves in a "dilemma".

Users will be able to put their phone data on the global GSMA Device list that anyone can use to report a lost phone.

And if anyone brought in an iPhone for the purpose of selling it, the systems of Apple stores and other electronics stores would get a “warning” from this database, informing them that the phone was stolen, which would avoid dealing with the user immediately.

Thus, Apple will use a "classic" method followed by car companies, to prevent the theft of the "stereo" device, by making it very complex and not easy to install in other cars, which frustrates the thieves.

As well as Apple, it will not prevent the theft of the phone itself, but it will make it almost impossible to resell and trade it, as it will be registered as a “stolen” device, frustrating the thieves and keeping them away from the “users’ pockets.”
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