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On World Tourism Day: Check out 9 essential travel safety tips!

27.09.2021 08:40 AM
On World Tourism Day: Check out 9 essential travel safety tips!
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On World Tourism Day: Check out 9 essential travel safety tips!
The World Tourism Day is celebrated on September 27 of each year. This day was first announced in 1970, when the United Nations World Tourism Organization chose it as an international day of celebration.
This day is celebrated to raise awareness of the importance of tourism and its impact on social, cultural, political and economic values worldwide. With travel restrictions easing in many countries, travel enthusiasts are ready to go again.

However, it is important to remember the COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines for safe travel. Here are some things you should keep in mind while planning to travel to domestic or international destinations:

Want to travel to Europe? Guide and conditions for the most important destinations:

1. First, check the travel restrictions and important guidelines imposed in certain countries, as some destinations may require a quarantine period, while others require infection-free certificates. It is best to follow these guidelines to ensure a safe trip without any unexpected consequences.

2. Find destinations that offer a safe and comfortable trip. There are many websites where you can get brief information about the destination, find out about accommodation options and local attractions.

3. Make a list of the things and places you want to explore and plan accordingly.

4. Make a list of necessities such as ID cards, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, face masks, hair covers, face shields and so on that you need to carry for safe travel.

5. Maintain COVID-19 safety precautions such as avoid touching devices, surfaces, ATMs, escalators, lift buttons, etc. as much as you can. And if you need to touch these surfaces, disinfect your hand properly.

6. Minimize human contact and technology use as much as possible.

7. Sterilize your surroundings such as your chair, table, armrest, etc., using a sterile spray or tissue.

8. Drink bottled water and consume canned foods.

9. Finally, if you are feeling ill, stay home because people also need to be safe around you. In this way, you can prevent the spread of the virus.

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