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Humans are still evolving—and we can watch it happen

09.09.2021 09:37 AM
Humans are still evolving—and we can watch it happen
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Humans are still evolving—and we can watch it happen
Australian scientists from the University of Adelaide have made a startling discovery, confirming that the evolution of the human body has not finished at all, and is continuing before our eyes.

A sign of this continuous development of the human body is the appearance of the middle artery in the forearm, which was previously considered "unnecessary" and became extinct even in the fetus in the womb.

The middle artery is a mystery, and there is still debate among scientists about its purpose. It is thought to be developing as a catalyst for more efficient blood pumping through the arms, helping them develop faster. In the formed fetus, it dies, transferring these functions to the radial and ulnar arteries. But it happens that the median artery persists in adults. What is important is not the artery itself, but the statistics of its survival.

This artery was initially observed in people born in the 1880s, and it occurred in 10% of cases. A century later, that number had tripled. In those born at the end of the twentieth century, the artery remains in 30% of cases.

Australian scientists conducted the latest study and confirmed the presence of large intermediate arteries that pump blood well in every third of the population of a country of European descent.

There has also been a tendency to increase the number of such cases, which is a clear sign of evolutionary growth, but the puzzling question is: what does such a thing give us humans?

If this trend continues, by the year 2100 the middle artery will become a constant companion to nearly all of humanity.
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